Saturday 8 September 2012

satu hari di hari raya:)

oke3, ny nak selitkn sikit pic² raya mse tu..
huhu(so latelaa)

wah3 my mom n dad!ngee


click* click*

adik manje =="

lalalaalalaa.. di kg:)


okey, masuk sem 3 sudah, poce sudah, raye pon sudah..
n...the most importante; nak FINAL!! ohemji!!
ermmm..frankly speaking, my life in campus this semester is quite an ***hole..><
so afraid if I can't make it to be in Dean List again..
The subject matters are:
1. friends (no buddies yet, for sure)
2. im so lazy nk study pe sume harapkn smangat je lebeyh..huwaaa :'@
3. so many things to be thought of, so many to be done.

hey, hey, hey Fatin.. u  noe what, hidup ny jgn dimanjakan dengan alasan.. Won't help u anyway.. Ok, so from now on, doa byk², makan byk², usaha lebih!
aja!aja! fighting!ngee~

Monday 2 April 2012

saya sayang dia


i met this guy..
okey,lemme intro u with some of his features..
em,em, he's mysterious; he seldom told me what happen to him,what he did, n what he faced n jez told me if I pushed him to..huhuw.. ok, mbe lbih memernjatkan lgi, he had never asked for my no:'(
but still, i'm waiting for the day to come...patiently..*lap air mate* emmm..
ahha, agy dy sngt syg abg dy(ok...?), and I noe deep inside dy sngt rndu kat saya.. I noe darling^^ HAHA
ukiey,agy..ape yek..
emm.. he's HOT..hehehe.. Ha, agy dy ni senang ase jeles..(huh,sy pon same taw cyg..:P)
dear,hope kite kekal cmpy bile2 taw><
i syg u sanad2..muahhh3!!
ermm.. actually, I do afraid that he might be bored or change his feeling towards me..YA ALLAH!! minx2 jaoh!!huhuhu
ok sayang,i nak u sahaje..
ok,ryte now, I tmpal nme I at dahi U yea dear.. *nah!* i da cop U..huh,xde cpew ley amek u..emm:'(